Monthly Archives: November 2015

Thanksgiving Week is Here!

November and December are the months we really want to say thanks to our customers, supporters and friends. If you haven’t already, this is soft reminder. A thank you is the simplest way to place a smile on someone’s face and the simplest way to be remembered as well. Did you have a banner year with a customer and need to be remembered for next year’s business? Does your customer need a gender neutral homerun gift idea?

This year, give a quality gift with Omaha Steaks Gourmet Food. This is a new brand for us at Beacon in our Corporate Gifts. We select trusted brands that all can enjoy. Omaha Steaks dates back to 1917 and is well known among many. See flyer and directions below:



The Collections from Omaha Steaks make excellent choices for a corporate gift. Each of these collections allows the recipient to choose ONE of multiple gourmet selections. A variety of choices are available including beef, chicken, seafood, desserts, and more! There are also options for personalizing certificates and shipping and handling is included to any address in the Contiguous U.S.!

Step 1. Choose your collection, shipping method, and personalization options Step 2. Recipient receives a beautifully designed tri-fold certificate with food choices and redemption options directly to Omaha Steaks Step 3. Omaha Steaks ships the recipient’s food choice directly to them in a cooler


Can you recall the last story you heard from someone?  We all love a good storyteller. They can lighten the mood, make you laugh and reminisce on favorite past times. Your customers love this too. They love to hear a  story about the products you are showing them. So, instead of focusing on the specifications of the product, focus on a really great story about how this product was used by another client or another market. Research shows that people want to hear stories about how the product was used for someone else. These are called case histories. They are growing like wildfire in the promo world and it makes sense. People love stories and want to apply them to their next sale. It’s all a part of the process. Share a case history on your favorite product of ours or elsewhere and the first 10 people to do so will receive a free Maglite Flashlight. Comment below and we will get a hold of you for your gift.
