Monthly Archives: March 2016

Beacon Name Badges

Of Beacon’s many product lines, according to our customer care and sales teams, table covers and badges are the two with the most inquiries. Badges can seem hard to sell and annoying to figure out with the many options posed.

“Do you want plastic, metal, laminated or reusable?”

“What size would you like?”

“What backing option? Magnet? Pin?”

… You get the picture…

Well, we’ve got news for you. We are happy to help you swim through all the details and options of this product line.


  1. Badges are extremely profitable. They have the highest margin for you, the distributor. A/P coded pricing.
  2. They are used in almost every industry/market you can imagine! Insurance, Retail, Technology, Real Estate, Education, Auto, Healthcare, Hospitality, Travel, Restaurants, etc. People need badges everywhere.
  3. Badges are EASY with Beacon Promotions! Sell them once and you are done with our BadgeWarehouse Release program. This program allows you to bulk order badges with your customer’s logo and then we store them and ship them as you need with new names. All paid upfront so there is no PO’s or hassle months and years down the road.

Check out the informational video on our BadgeWarehouse Release Program here:

Badges 1

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