Fall Calendar Selling Tips!

The fall of the year is when most “new” orders for advertising calendars occur. This is because as the kids go back to school and the weather starts to cool, businesses start to think about what they will give their customers and employees during this traditional gift giving time of year.

An advertising calendar is an excellent choice for a business person to consider.

  1. Calendars are welcomed advertising: Everyone uses them! Most people use 3 in their home and 2 in their office. If calendar recipients don’t receive one from a favored advertiser, they will purchase one.
  2. Calendars deliver the message for the advertiser: Large imprint area that is showing all year long, no brainer!
  3. Calendars are present where the buying decisions are made: An advertising calendar places your clients business card into the home or office and tells their prospects who they are, what they do and how they can be reached. The calendar silently sells for the advertiser while no competitors are around.
  4. Advertising calendars are a great value: When you consider the number of times your client’s message is viewed over the course of a year and divide that into the purchase price, you arrive at a cost per advertising impression that is just tenths of a cent!

Beacon offers calendars in a spiral bound or stapled format. Beacon also gaurantees inventory availability on select calendars until December 1st, 2015! See here for those calendars: http://beaconpromotions.com/images/advertising_flyers/Guaranteed-Inventory.jpg


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